About the Info-Mac Digest Folder
Posted: May 2nd, 2010, 12:50 pm
In this folder you will find Info-Mac Digest posts from 1984 until the Digest was discontinued in 2002. Currently, Digests from the year 1992 and the year 1995 are missing. We have *most* Digests from every other year from 1984-1991, 1993-1994, and 1996-2002. Most of 1994 is in the form of individual posts as the "Digest" had not been created yet. There are also some random Delphi Mac Digests as well.
For those unfamiliar with the Info-Mac Digest, you may find it a little unusual. Think of it as an online forum, but sent through email. Remember, when Info-Mac started, there was no such thing as an online forum.
At the top of every Info-Mac Digest post, you will find a table of contents for the post, similar to the example below:
Software downloads mentioned in Info-Mac Digest posts can usually be found in the new Info-Mac Archive by examining the URL given. For example:
If you are specifically looking for a software download, it is best to search directly in the Info-Mac Archive folder rather than the Digest folder or anywhere else. You can do this by using the search box found at the bottom of every folder index page.
For those unfamiliar with the Info-Mac Digest, you may find it a little unusual. Think of it as an online forum, but sent through email. Remember, when Info-Mac started, there was no such thing as an online forum.
At the top of every Info-Mac Digest post, you will find a table of contents for the post, similar to the example below:
The items marked with a [*] indicate new downloads added to the Info-Mac archive at the time of that post. All other items are discussion topics, which you'll find toward the bottom of the post. Some Info-Mac Digest posts have all software downloads, or all discussion topics, or both.Info-Mac Digest wrote:[*] Web Confidential 3.0.3
[*] Web Confidential 3.0.3J - Japanese Version
Apparent Acrobat and HP Incompatibility (fwd)
Drag & Drop in System 9.2
New SuperDrive in old iMac?
Software downloads mentioned in Info-Mac Digest posts can usually be found in the new Info-Mac Archive by examining the URL given. For example:
The above download (or possibly a newer version of it) would be found in the Info-Mac Archive / Science & Math / Calculator folder. And wouldn't you know it... since the time it was first post in the Digest, PolyRoot version 1.53a was released, as well as a version 1.53 for Mac OS X. This also means that PolyRoot version 1.04 (which is referenced in the original Digest post) is no longer available. If something you are searching for is missing, just relax, use your head, and you'll figure it out.Info-Mac Digest wrote:[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/poly-root-104-cbn.hqx; 811 K]
If you are specifically looking for a software download, it is best to search directly in the Info-Mac Archive folder rather than the Digest folder or anywhere else. You can do this by using the search box found at the bottom of every folder index page.