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Why use Text Cleaner?
Text Cleaner was created with the design professional in mind, and is now a valuable tool for Webmasters as well. Clients frequently supply design studios with text that in most instances contains incorrect typographical characters and other input errors, while Webmasters receive text from designers that contains characters that need to be changed to their simpler, HTML compatible counterparts. Traditionally, these items would have to be changed one at a time using a layout or word processing application. With Text Cleaner, conversions are done all at once and in as many iterations as needed.
Text Cleaner will quickly Þnd typical entry errors and replace inappropriate characters with correct ones, bringing your text up to traditional typesetting or Web standards. Fi and ß ligatures, curly quotes, ellipses, em and en dashes are set or removed. Multiple instances of spaces, tabs and returns are eliminated in one fell swoop.
Without Text Cleaner, repeated Þnd-and-replace searches would be required. For example, if there were four tabs together in a document, a search-and-replace would change the Þrst two to one, then the next two to one. The result would be another two tabs, but this wouldnÕt be found until scanning through the entire document then starting again from the beginning. Imagine how many searches would be required if there were a lot of tabs together! Text Cleaner does all the repetitive work
for you.
Text Cleaner removes other famous blunder combinations tooÑlike spaces around tabs, returns and dashes. Curly quotes can be set while retaining inch and foot measurement markings and correct apostrophes for years like Õ90 and 90Õs. Text from an email message that has returns after every line can be converted to ÒwrappedÓ text and greater-than symbols used for email quotations cleaned out instantly. These conversions are all performed in the best possible sequence to avoid creating the same or worse conditions.