What is PubMedMaker 7
PubMedMaker is bibliography software, which is designed for anyone who
wishes to manage medical literature data with a FileMaker Pro database.
PubMedMaker 7 is an exclusive version for FileMaker Pro 7. You perform a
search of the literature in PubMed, NLM gateway or TOXNET on the
Internet and save the search results as a text file. PubMedMaker
converts this text file into a FileMaker Pro database simply by dragging
& dropping. By using FileMaker Pro's function, you can search, select,
sort, and print literature references. Literature list can be formatted
and exported in simple text, rich text (Reference list for your paper)
or HTML (Reference Web Publishing) to conform to the style you desire.
PubMedMaker has an automatic management function of PDF files.
What's new in this version--PubMedMaker 7 v2.5 (Sep 22, 2004)
It is not a update version of PubMedMaker X, but a new version for
FileMaker Pro 7 users. If you are a user of FileMaker Pro 6 or before,
use PubMedMaker 2.4 for Mac OS 9 or PubMedMaker X 2.4 for Mac OS X.
Apple G3 or higher, Mac OS 10.2.8 or later, FileMaker Pro 7.0 or later.
For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit
our Web site at:
Developer: MedFiles Integrated