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LightWayText (Shareware price US$25) is a powerful Text Editor
having lots of nice features !
With LightWayText, you have all the power you expect from a full-featured
word processing program - writing, editing, printing, and saving the text
document in other formats including Kanji/PICT/JPEG. We have changed the
idea of a 'Writer's Workshop' into a reality. We are glad if it lets you
recall 'Macintosh mind of the early days' - The original Mac's concept was
to keep it pure and simple and this we have done with LightWayText.
We sincerely hope LightWayText will serve you well, being a good friend
for your Mac...
In Japan, LightWayText is a popular text editor. In LightWayText 4, we
included all the Japanese and English word processor functions, because
so many of you asked for this.
Editing operations are intuitive. There are many ways to change the
appearance of your document; besides styles, there are decoration lines,
the ability to change all paragraph indents or margins, to paste in PICT
or JPEG images, and to create spreadsheet-like tables.
LightWayText can also provide many different layouts. Especially unusual
is the Vertical Writing format of 'Tategaki' as in Japanese books, the
basic Paper of Japanese Manuscript paper 'Genkou-Yousi'. With a variety of
Custom papers including Notepaper and Greeting card, you can start your
original pages in your Westerners's style easily, also let LightWayText
create back-up files automatically. In other words, as you would expect
from a 'Writer's Workshop', much of your editing can be left entirely to
In addition, LightWayText provides many special menus and macro-functions
to stimulate the creative mind of a professional. You will increase your
efficiency with customized menus and keyboard commands. You can also use a
spelling checker or a translation program as if it were a built-in function.
LightWayText even allows you to complex search with the 'Regular Expression'
or the 'SEd script' in addition to the normal expression's search.
Besides, there are other useful little goodies to play with, including a
scheduler function for your day-to-day time management.
You will find that LightWayText is widely used, from programming to the
writing of various documents, in any language not only English and Japanese.
- LightWayText is aiming to be the No1-shareware program, loved around the
world ! We are pleased if you Westerners also find LightWayText useful...
(LightWayText is a hybrid, usable with both Macs & PC.
In addition, they are compatible with each other's documents.)
We are improving LightWayText all the time, with your suggestions ...
LightWayText Environment
It can be used under Mac OS X 10.0 or later
(Author:) Michiaki Yamashita
(Author E-Mail:)
(User Support:) Yumi
(User Support E-Mail:)