The Best of MacSense (NOV/96) BW

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The Best of MacSense (NOV/96) BW

Post by Info-Mac » November 7th, 1996, 11:00 am

Download: ... -11-bw.hqx

MacSense News Roundup, November 1996. Volume 3, Issue 8.

FEATURING: A Preview of the Best of MacSense '96 CD!!!
Wow! What a month October was! Apple rolled out more new products than
you can shake a stick at (Ok, you can shake a stick at them, but you'd
look a little strange). How's this for a line-up: PowerBook 1400,
MessagePad 2000, eMate 300, Color LaserWriter 12/660, Multiple Scan 15AV,
Telecom 3.0, Open Transport 1.1.1, Performa 6360, Color StylerWriter 2500
Photograde kit, and more... To top it all off, Apple reported a modest

MacSense November has got the goods on all these items, and word on the
upcoming 533MHz PowerPC compatible processor from Exponential!

NEWS: PowerBook 1400 debuts, along with Newton MessagePad 2000 and eMate
300; Apple posts a profit; 533MHz CPUs!
APPLEBITS: Apple's new Multiple Scan 15AV, Color LaserWriter 12/660;
Apple plans for system obsolescence, and more!
QUICKBITS: New SuperMac and APS Mac clones, BeOS on the Mac, new LaserJet
6MP, and more!
NETBITS: Netscape Navigator 4, PageMill 2.0, First Class 3.5, 33.6
modems, and more!
MAILBOX: Reaction to the transition of the MacSense freezine.
SPECIAL OFFER: The Best of MacSense '96 - a new CD full of our best!
NOVEMBER CD SAMPLER: Speech Recognition and your Mac, by Aaron Vegh
NOVEMBER CD SAMPLER: Review of RAM Charger 3.0

MacSense News Roundup is a FREE monthly electronic magazine which focuses
on the mainstream Macintosh computer market. Each issue of MacSense
details the most significant news stories in the world of Macintosh
computing and explores how these new developments will affect every-day
Mac users. Packed with vibrant color graphics, it is the founding goal of
MacSense to shed light on a rapidly evolving industry. Moreover, because
MacSense is created and distributed electronically, it is the most
environmentally friendly method of publishing. We hope you enjoy this

The attached file is a Stuffit archive. You will need Stuffit Expander or
another Stuffit compression utility to extract it.

The color edition of MacSense requires a Macintosh with at least 16
shades of grey. For optimal viewing, we recommend 16-bit color. The black
and white edition of MacSense can be viewed on any Macintosh.
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