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Joined:December 21st, 1988, 11:00 am

Post by Info-Mac » August 20th, 1996, 9:00 am

Download: http://archive.info-mac.org/per/bce/app ... -96-08.hqx


A FREE electronic newsletter by Corbett Enders & Chris Stevens, co-editors.

Apples BC E-News is the Official Electronic Newsletter of the Apples BC
Computer Society.

In This Issue
* Millard's Mac Musings
- Apple II GS Reincarnate
- EZ[-135] Come, EZ[-135] Go??
- Global Village's Internal Performa Modem And RAM Doubler, Both Doubled
- From Big Mama
- Web Sightings
* The IAQ File
- Book: Using FileMaker Pro 3 for the Mac by Chris Moyer
* Around Vancouver
- Benson & Hedges Symphony of Fire
- Abbotsford Airshow Update
* Photoshop Tips
* The Techno File
- To upgrade, or to purchase new... that is the question.
* Letters to the Editors

We are proud to offer you an electronic version which is similar to our
'paper' newsletter which only our Membership receives. You too can become a
member of Apples BC Computer Society. See the details inside E-News.

E-News is created with DocMaker, and requires no 'viewer' software as it is
a self running application for the Mac. Colour graphics and interesting
articles will hopefully inspire other contributors. Send your comments,
Letters to the Editor, and Contributions to enews@applesbc.bc.ca or any
other e-mail address listed below.

If you'd like to receive E-News on a monthly basis, we can deliver it right
you your mailbox.
Internet: send your request to enews@applesbc.bc.ca
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