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MailArmor OS 9 1.1.2

Posted: July 17th, 2002, 9:00 am
by Info-Mac
Download: ... s9-112.hqx

MailArmor is an application that helps to keep your electronic mailbox
free of spam: it looks at the relevant parts of your email before it
leaves the mail server, and lets the legitimate messages pass through
undisturbed, while leaving suspect messages on the server, making them
"invisible" for the e-mail client, to be reexamined later or just
deleted after a while. It works as a POP email proxy, with support for
POP, APOP and IMAP mail servers, that makes it compatible with every
e-mail client. The logic behind the filtering has a high level of
sophistication, using local black- and white-lists of senders, an
advanced engine that can use pattern matching, sender verification
techniques and SpamCop and ORDB blacklisting services to automatically
pinpoint junk mail with a extremely high level of accuracy. A proved set
of filters is included, and can easily be adapted by the user to its
individual interests. Complete documentation, FAQs and an help system in
multiple languages (at the moment English, French, Spanish and Italian)
are also included in the download.
Requires MRJ 2.2.5 w/ Swing 1.1.1 (downloadable from Sun site)