Mac to Mac SLIP scripts

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Joined:December 21st, 1988, 11:00 am
Mac to Mac SLIP scripts

Post by Info-Mac » October 17th, 1995, 9:00 am

Download: ... cripts.hqx

This is something I hacked up for a friend, who wanted to do CU-SEE ME over
a plain telephone connection. That is, not having to connect to an internet
provider, and definitely NOT using Apple Remote access, which would mean
loading lots of resources, and taking extra useful RAM. (Which could be
useful for running CU-SEE ME, or any other TCP/IP application). My friend
had no idea about scripting, and I did, so I found a great solution.
What this will do for you, is establish an authentic TCP/IP connection
betwwen 2 macs, using a regular telephone connection, so that you can use
all your typical TCP/IP software. I can't think of anything REALLY cool to
do with this, except for CU-SEE ME. This will only work at acceptable
speeds using a 28.8 bps modem.

I have heard lots of people wanting a macintosh SLIP host. This will almost
do that for you but obviously only 1 connection at a time will be accepted.

I have no relation to Hyde Park Software. In fact, I don't even use MacSLIP.
It seems to be that something like this cannot be done with InterSLIP due
to it's lack of scripting facilities. If you think it can be done, e-mail

I am the author of these scripts and I think they are pretty ingenious.
All I ask if you use them, is to e-mail me and tell me if you liked them,
or even send me a postcard (yeah, I have one already, but keep them
coming!) Also, tell me if you find any other uses for it, apart from
Feel free to distribute these scripts, but include the READ ME file. Do not
distibute modified versions. I want to get feedback on bugs and problems,
and keep an updated version on the archives.
Do NOT include on CD ROMS without my consent.

My e-mail is:
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