TestMy.CGI v 0.1

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Joined:December 21st, 1988, 11:00 am
TestMy.CGI v 0.1

Post by Info-Mac » March 24th, 2000, 11:00 am

Download: http://archive.info-mac.org/inet/test-my-cgi-01.hqx

Check the syntax of your CGI scripts right in your browser. Your script
errors are itemized in a clearer format than server error logs to help
you quickly identify and resolve them. Useful features under a simple
point-and-click interface that'll work from any client that can run a

--- System Requirements:

Client: Any platform/operating system that can run a browser.

Server: Tested on Linux/Unix and NT running Apache and IIS. Must be
running Perl 5. (TestMy.CGI may work in other environments running Perl
5 - please let us know so we can add them to our list.)
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