Card Shell Volume 2 v1.01

From solitaire to bridge. Any game that is played with cards.
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Card Shell Volume 2 v1.01

Post by Info-Mac » June 26th, 1997, 9:00 am

Download: ... l2-101.hqx


Here is an update of the second volume of the
cardshell games. I was alerted to a case where they
will crash during startup on an accelerated 68000
machine without colour quickdraw. The games are meant
to just quit gracefully on any machine without colour QD.
This has been fixed. Otherwise the games are unchanged
and people with working copies of the previous versions
do not really need to down load these ones. Although if
they are going to spread the games further,then it would
be a good idea to use these fixed games.

This volume 2 is independent of volume 1, also posted.



-- Ralph S. Sutherland Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics
-- Colorado University, Boulder.
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8<-----8<----Card-Shell-Vol2-1.hqx follows-----8<-----8<-----8<-----8<----

Code and Artwork (c)1992 Ralph S Sutherland.
Portions of code remain (c) Symantec Corp.

Welcome to a series of solitaire card game releases. These are the second
release of three games, developed with a new card game framework called the
Card Shell. They all use full colour graphics including 40 pack designs
and 60 background patterns.

This release fixes some minor bugs, particularly occuring when
starting on a machine that doesn't have Color QD.

one copy of the 'cards' data file. It can be shared by
all of the Card Shell games. You can simply remove the
'cards' file for all the games. This will save about
350K of disk space. [without file compression ;-)]

Features include:

*They will (should?) work on all Apple screens at any colour depth.
The games require a mac with colour quickdraw capabilities (see below).

*The game applications have automatic saving of the current game
so you can play, quit and restart where you left off.

*They all have full undo and redo features to allow you to step
forward and backwards through a game and even use fast forward
and rewind to give rapid replays.

*Copies of games in play may be saved in sepearate files, in this way
several players could play the same setup and a tournament is possible.
All the saved games include their playing history.

*The game applications are designed with system 7.0 multiprocessing
in mind. When the player is not moving any cards around the games
use almost no cpu cycles and give maximum time to background processes.
When the user starts to play, the games take much more cpu time to give
a nice fast response.

*The shell design uses a shared resource file called 'Cards' which
contains all the bulky colour resources and sounds. This is around
350K. Each game can simultaneously share these reosurces, reducing
the disk space requirements greatly. Each game is about 70-90K.

For more details see the online help in the games ;-)

*****System requirements

They are designed to work best under system 7.0 or newer, although
they will still function with some loss of smoothness under system
6.0.7. The games use full 256 colour colour graphics, but they
have optimisations to work well under all depths from B&W to
32bit colour. However they require a mac with colour quickdraw.
At the moment this includes:

all Mac II computers (including the SE/30), all LCs, all Quadras,
Centris machines, Performas, the Classic II and the Colour Classic.
all powerbooks (except the PB100) and probably all newer macs.

They each want about 1MB of ram under system 7.0 and up to 1.5-2MB under
system 6 without 32bit Quickdraw


Design & programming: Ralph S Sutherland.
Testing: Neville Smythe and Kim Holburn.

FreeWare, Enjoy!

Ralph S Sutherland August. 1993.

PS: The Example games folder contains some games that have worked out.
you can load them in and replay them with the rewind and fast forward

-- Ralph S. Sutherland Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics
-- Colorado University, Boulder.
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