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Posted: December 5th, 1998, 11:00 am
by Info-Mac
Download: ... f-doom.hqx

4 Isles of Doom is my favorite map of those that I have made. I have
uploaded one other map, Island of Imperialism, to the archive, but this is
probably the better of the two. I made some other maps, but I didn't think
them worth uploading to the archive. I actually made the map a few years
ago, but don't seem to have uploaded it, so I am doing so now.

The map consists of four islands. The two larger islands in the northwest
and east are reasonably forested, while the central and southwestern
islands have no trees at all, making it necessary to import trees from the
larger two islands.

The northwest island is the largest and probably the most valuable island
of the four. It has lots of forest, which makes many of the bases open to
sneak attacks. It has several bases and pills scattered throughout it, but
the best spot is in the northwest corner, where there are four bases and
four pills. However, this little fortress is surrounded by a river and
plenty of swampland, which will make it a little difficult to overtake.
However, once you own this base, you will find it quite defendable. The
eastern island is rather large but consists of mostly forest, although
there are a few bases and pills. There's a nice little island in the center
of the map that contains two bases. It is fairly open to invasion because
its location in the center of the map makes it rather accessible, and may
be on the front lines. However, it's defended by shallow water, which
causes spiking to take a little extra effort if you put some pills on it.
By the time your enemy gets onto the island, (s)he will be well within the
range of your pills. The southwest island is really just a large maze with
several bases and pills. It could be a nice fortress, but it doesn't have
any trees, so you need to import them from somewhere else in order to build
defenses. I usually leave this island alone until I am able to make myself
established on the northwestern or eastern islands, but you may find it

Island of Imperialism

Island of Imperialism is my first really playable map. I made one other, 4
Isles of Doom, which is probably better than this one. However, I still
think that this one is okay. I made lots of other maps as well, but most
were not worth uploading here, so only these two will be uploaded. I
actually made this map a few years ago, but it seems I never uploaded it to
the archive, so I will do so now.

The idea for the island was partially inspired by Everard Island and
partially by Boulley's Bolo Maps, which I liked and which can probably
still be found on the info-mac archive. The island's shape is pretty
generic, about the size of Everard but more rounded. The map is rather
heavily forested, especially in the southeastern parts of the map. There is
one really good base area in the southeastern corner of the map that
contains four bases and four pills, as well as a few more pills not far
away. You will probably want to try taking this base. If you take it, it
makes an excellent refuelling spot, but it is a bit difficult to take out
and the forests around it make it a bit prone to sneak attacks. There's
also a reasonably good base on a small island just north center of the map
that has two bases and four pills; being surrounded on three sides by water
and separated from the main island on the southern side by a small channel,
it is harder to attack, if a bit out of the way. If you can get this base,
it should be easier to defend than the other bases. However, there aren't
really many trees near it, which can be a problem when fixing pills and
building defenses. However, this means it's also harder for enemies to
sneak up on the base through the forest.