WCII Maps v3.0.sit

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Joined:December 21st, 1988, 11:00 am
WCII Maps v3.0.sit

Post by Info-Mac » September 16th, 1997, 9:00 am

Download: http://archive.info-mac.org/game/adv/wcii-maps-30.hqx

Warcraft II Maps 3.0 - The Battle is just beginning...

About v3.0
Maps created from the original immagination of ...mine!! Great maps for a
Saturday evening, when you have nothing to do. Or, if you have, you prefer
to play Warcraft II.

This file contains 5 maps I create for Warcraft II©, Mac version (is there
something else?). To play them, you need the "Warcraft II" game, created by
Blizzard Entertainment©. System requirements are the ones the game needs.

These maps are freeware, so you can use and abuse them all you want, you
can give them to your friends, put them on any commercially available
CD-ROM, or you can trash them. But, if you like some of them, send me an
email telling me so. I will be glad to receive it.

And I will be glad, too, if you do something good for our Apple or Mac
(evangelize a Wintel user, buy another Mac, pay for the shareware, etc.).

These Maps were checked with Disinfectant 1.7.

German A. Seckel
My site - http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/6317/
The Mac Zone - http://members.tripod.com/~docgas/index.html
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