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RPGMapMaker 3.5

Posted: May 12th, 2004, 9:00 am
by Info-Mac
Download: ... ker-35.hqx

RPGMapMaker is a a tool for drawing maps with polygonal grids.

This kind of maps are used in Role Playing Games, but can be designed for
any other purposes.

In addition to having most of the capabilities of a real painting program
(such as lines, rectangles, ovals and round rectangles, drawing and filling
with color and pattern, text, rubber, pipettes tools, etc.), RPGMapMaker has
also unique features that greatly simplify map-building, such as:

* Various kinds of grids. You can create a grid map made of hexes
(well-suited for world, region or village maps), or with squares
(well-suited for dungeon maps) or with lozenges (well-suited for pseudo-3D
castle and dungeon maps).
* Seven layers static map. Includes one layer for the grid, three
pre-allocated layers (one for color and drawing, one for terrain tiles and
one for text and lines). Also three extra layers (also one for drawing, one
for terrain tiles and one for text and lines) can be allocated on demand.
For example, you can change a polygon color without losing the terrain that
lies on top of it, build a map for the DM eyes only and a map for his
players, etc. * Interactive maps. Static maps can be linked between each others as in a
hyper-text document. This allows you to design a continent, then zoom-in to
a country, then zoom-in to a city, then zoom-in to a house, then zoom-in to
the cellar of the house, then zoom-in to the dungeon beneath the house,
etc... Of course, you can also zoom-out.
* Layers manager. This feature allows you to allocate and free the three
extra layers, to choose which layer is visible and which layer is not, and
select which layer is the active one (an active layer is a layer where
drawing occurs). * Various dimension units. You can specify the map dimensions in either cm
or m or km. Alternatively, you may prefer to use the ft, ya or mi dimension
units. * Grid polygon color filling in just two clicks (three if using patterns).
Allows you to use one to select the color and one to select the filling
area. * Predefined terrains tiles. RPGMapMaker comes with several predefined
libraries for building regions, villages, castles and dungeons. They are
available in either black and white or in colors.
* Terrains editor. If you do not like the terrain tiles and wish to modify
them, use the terrain editor. Of course, if you are talented, you can also
create new terrain tiles from thin air!
* Terrain Organizer. This tool allows you to quickly reorganize a terrain
library and transfer tiles between libraries.
* Random terrain generator. This tool allows you to generate random terrains
made of up to four differents "regions" (for example water, mountain, plain,
etc.). * Random maze generator. This tool allows you to generate random mazes,
caverns and dungeons. For dungeons, rooms number can be generated.