A Mess O' Trouble 1.8

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Joined:December 21st, 1988, 11:00 am
A Mess O' Trouble 1.8

Post by Info-Mac » September 13th, 1997, 9:00 am

Download: http://archive.info-mac.org/game/adv/amot-18.hqx

"...if a detailed, nonlinear plot, plenty of puzzles to solve and strange
worlds to explore are what counts with you, you're in luck, because
Trouble provides that -- at a rock bottom price. Everything from the
graphics to the gameplay to the written descriptions of the rooms is of
professional quality."
-- Mac Home Journal, October 1994

A Mess O'Trouble is a multi-layered, richly-textured graphic adventure
game that will keep you entertained for days or even weeks. (And you
don't have to know anything about the first game to play this one.)

A Mess O'Trouble keeps violence to a minimum, without being boring,
insipid or "politically correct". Even when defeating the most
villianous creatures you will use your brain more than your gun.

A Mess O'Trouble takes place in the twisted worlds of Ray's Maze, a
multi-dimensional spacial anomaly. Explore old mines and search for lost
gold in an authentic Nevada ghost town. Learn the secrets of Techtron
artifacts in the Void. Escape from the mysterious Isle of Lucy. Battle
bureaucratic bungling in Monolith City, and discover the weirdness and
wonders of the Enchanted Forest.

The result of over 1000 hours of work, this game includes 137 sounds, 300
scenes, dozens of characters, more than 1400 objects, and some of the
best black & white graphics you've ever seen. All this AND plenty of wit
and humor too!

A Mess O' Trouble should run on any Mac OS computer running System 3 or
higher. Sounds may not work on the Macintosh XL or any AV or PowerPC Mac.

Version 1.8 fixes a major bug that prevented the game from being
completed when playing as Dawn.

The author is Ray Dunakin (raydunakin@aol.com), and he asks for a $10
shareware fee if you like and keep the game.

Marc Khadpe
Penn State University
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