Window Monkey 1.3.1J - Japanese Version

Low level stuff to examine and control your Mac. Hardware and software configuration reporting, speed testing, extension managers, startup managers, memory managers, fpu emulation, system monitors, screen resolution & depth, keyboard configuration, volume control. (Not for typical system or control panel extensions.)
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Window Monkey 1.3.1J - Japanese Version

Post by Info-Mac » February 9th, 2001, 11:00 am

Download: ... 131-jp.hqx

This is the Japanese version of the Window Monkey package.

Choose patterned backgrounds for Macintosh Finder windows. You even get a
handy way to navigate through windows and folders, so it's useful, too.
MacAddict magazine rates Window Monkey among the top 20 Mac shareware
programs, CNET calls the software "too cool," and MacWorld magazine chose it
as a Pick of the Week. For Mac OS.

Window Monkey adds background pictures or textures to any window in the
Finder -- it's like "Desktop Patterns" or "Desktop Pictures", but for folder
window backgrounds instead of the desktop.

You can color-code your windows to see at a glance what they contain, or use
wild patterns just for fun. Give your folder of "work stuff" a background
that looks like a legal pad, or choose a background of hearts for that ZIP
disk full of love letters.

This program also helps you better manage your windows in every application
(not just the Finder): You can use the handy Window Monkey menu to quickly
go to any window in any application, even if it's buried beneath many other
windows. Window Monkey also remembers recently used folders and lets you
instantly jump to any open or recently used folder from an Open or Save
dialog box.

Many background patterns are included, and you can add as many as you wish by
simply pasting or dragging your own pictures into the control panel.

Window Monkey is compatible with System 7 and Mac OS 8 and later (including
9.X and the classic environment of Mac OS X).

WhatÕs New? Version 1.3.1 of Window Monkey includes these changes:

¥ The feature allowing you to switch folders in Open and Save dialogs by
clicking on a background Finder window is now compatible with
GraphicConverter 3.9 and later.
¥ The feature also can now be turned off or assigned a key combination.
¥ Fixes a conflict with PopChar on Mac OS 9.1.
¥ More than a dozen new patterns are included.
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